I've spent a large portion of my life living in Arkansas, so finding this was definitely intriguing. For the price of a dollar, I'm willing to spin it and find out if my gamble was worth it. "National City" is pretty straightforward pop rock 'n' roll from 1959, but it leads me to question if this is really a bunch of jr. high kids playing with such perfection. I mean, I'm a huge fan of the Kashmere Stage Band, and those high-schoolers were super-bad, but they also floated tempos and short-filled fills fairly often. So, how are these jr. high kids playing perfectly syncopated organ, guitar, bass, and drums? Something smells fishy here. "Big Ben" is the highlight, and if I were to believe that these were jr. high kids playing this, then I should put my instruments down permanently. It left me slack-jawed upon first listen. Just wow. This may not be funky or soulful... like we normally post... but, damn. Joiner, Arkansas sure did turn out some prodigal players.