The Brothers of Hope - I'm Gonna Make You Love Me / Nickol, Nickol

The Brothers of Hope - I'm Gonna Make You Love Me / Nickol, Nickol

Ok, this one didn't come out of the dollar bin. I paid dearly for The Brothers of Hope... two dollars! But, I had to have it. After sampling a few moments of each side, I paid the higher adoption fee to rescue it, and give it a good home. As you can see by the label damage, this one's been abused. Fortunately, the grooves still groove... and they groove hard. Their take on "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" combines it with the feel of "Soulful Strut". Sold. "Nickol, Nickol" adds the funk with a touch of psych, and it's excellent... but they had me at "I'm Gonna Make You Soulful Strut". One of the best two-dollar-two-siders I've ever purchased. Any dollar two-siders. Enjoy. :)



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