Did One Of The Rat Pack Really Dabble In Satanism?!

Did One Of The Rat Pack Really Dabble In Satanism?!

What famous performer dabbled in Satanism after allegedly attending orgies at Anton LaVey’s home in the 1960s? I’ll give you a hint… he performed the main theme to one of the most loved children's movies of the 1970s. Now, the answer is… Sammy Davis Jr. In the late 1960s, according to the man himself, Sammy Davis Jr’s barber was a church member, and they attended some functions at the Church of Satan’s founder Anton LaVey’s home, including a few orgies. The dabbling in the religion was short-lived, and he spent the next decade or so performing in Vegas again with fellow rat-packers Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. Oh, and that famous theme song from a kids film? “The Candy Man”, from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.





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